
At the heart of the Tailor Project are the inspiring stories of the tailors and their families. When Impakt Labs began this project, we needed to locate tailors and/or their families to interview. We posted an ad in the Canadian Jewish Newspaper describing the project, and were amazed by the number of people who came forth in hopes of sharing their story and contributing to this history. We sincerely thank every person who showed us an intimate part of their family history. We thank those that welcomed us into their homes and provided us with the material they had to offer. These stories, photographs, documents and artifacts give life to the Tailor Project history.

We also thank the archives and museums who worked with Impakt Labs to source documents and documentation of the Tailor Project. These institutions were integral to the growth of this project, and in ensuring historical accuracy throughout the research. Their contributions have provided answers to many families and individuals who have had little access to their history until now. Our thanks go out to the Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives, Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum, Baycrest, Blankenstein Family Heritage Centre, the Jewish Museum & Archives of BC, the Ontario Jewish Archives, and the USC Shoah Foundation.

A special thank you to Holy Blossom Temple for generously donating their sanctuary for the Tailor Project event, and for supporting the project.

The 1948 – 1949 Garment Workers Scheme owes its beginnings to the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Jewish Labour Committee, and all the participating actors – firms, unions and community organizations – that worked together to make the project possible. The five men that went to Europe to select tailors were also integral; Samuel Herbst, Sam Posluns, Bernard Shane, David Solomon and Max Enkin, who led the group.

Larry Enkin, Max Enkin’s son, grew up hearing stories from his father about the Garment Workers Scheme. 65 years later, he asked the important questions: Where are those tailors today? What is their story? Larry Enkin approached Impakt Labs to take on the project, and has generously funded the project and its remarkable development. We are immensely grateful for his unyielding support and guidance.